Find out more about our programs:
- General Information - location, hours, who we serve
- Free Narcan/Naloxone through the Drive-Thru
- AccessMeds Program - reduced cost medications
- Medication Assistance Program - free medications for those who qualify
- Tobacco Cessation & Nicotine Replacement Therapy
General Information
The Cleveland County Health Department Pharmacy offers pharmacy services to our health department clinic patients, low-income and uninsured Cleveland County residents, Medication Assistance Program enrollees, and Cleveland County Government employees.
We are located on the first floor of the Cleveland County Health Department at 200 S Post Rd, Shelby, NC 28152. Our phone number is (980) 484-5164, and our fax number is (980) 484-5269. Our operating hours are Monday-Friday 8am-5pm, except for Cleveland County Government holidays or inclement weather. Payment accepted includes cash, personal check, Health Savings Account (HSA) card, debit card, or credit card. A drive thru is available.
Free Narcan/Naloxone Available
Our pharmacy now has Narcan/naloxone available for anyone, for free, no prescription necessary! Come through our drive-thru Monday through Friday, 8a-5p at 200 South Post Rd, Shelby NC.
What is Narcan/naloxone? It is a FDA-approved nasal spray medication that reverses the effects of an opioid overdose by blocking receptors in the brain and restoring breathing.
When should you use Narcan/naloxone? If you suspect a person is overdosing on opioids. Signs of overdose include unresponsiveness, slow or shallow breathing, pinpoint (really small) pupils, blue fingernails or lips, vomiting, or gurgling noises.
- No, you cannot overdose on narcan/naloxone
- No, you cannot be addicted to narcan/naloxone
- You can give narcan/naloxone to anyone, including children and pregnant women.

Cleveland County Public Health Center Clinic Patients
The pharmacy may provide prescription medications on-site for patients registered and has an appointment in our clinics, including Family Planning, Communicable Disease (Sexually Transmitted Infections, Tuberculosis), Diabetes, Maternal Health, and Child Health. Each clinic, treatment protocol, patient financial circumstance, and patient insurance status will determine eligibility for pharmacy services. Contact the appropriate health department clinic for more information if needed.
AccessMeds Program
Pharmacy services have recently expanded to offer prescriptions at a reduced cost to underserved, low-income, uninsured (or underinsured) Cleveland County residents to improve access to life-saving medications, and therefore, improve the overall health of county residents and reduce overall county healthcare costs.
Eligible patients may fill prescriptions at the Cleveland County Health Department Pharmacy for a $5 fee per ≤30-day supply if the medication is available on the program limited formulary, or for free if the medication is available through various sample or donation programs. The formulary, price, and quantities are subject to change due to drug costs and availability. Click on the links below for more program details, including qualifying income and the formulary.
Click Here for more AccessMeds Program information
Medication Assistance Program
In addition to traditional pharmacy dispensing services, we offer Medication Assistance Program (MAP) services. Our MAP provides free medications to eligible low-income and uninsured Cleveland County residents through our partnership with NC MedAssist, AmeriCares, and various drug manufacturer patient assistance programs. Patients must make an appointment with our MAP coordinator and provide necessary documentation to determine eligibility to receive medications through this program. If eligible for our MAP, it may take 4 to 6 weeks for the enrollment process and prescriptions to be delivered. More information about our MAP is available at our pharmacy or by calling (980) 484-5146.
Cleveland County Employees
Prescriptions are available through a 5-tier formulary system for Cleveland County employees and their eligible family members (spouse and/or dependent children up to age 26). More information about the Employee Pharmacy Program, such as eligibility details, medication pricing, and formulary medications can be found on the KeyNet Employee Portal, Cleveland County Wiki, or the Cleveland County Health Department Intranet.
Tobacco Cessation/ Nicotine Replacement Therapy
Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medications
A variety of OTC medications may be available for free while supplies last. These medications are intended for short-term use and are not intended to treat chronic conditions. Patients should seek medical care for worsening symptoms or symptoms lasting longer than 72 hours. Our staff will screen OTC medication requests for availability, proper age, drug allergies, and potential drug interactions.
Click HERE for Pharmacy Frequently Asked Questions